Sunday, April 25, 2021

How Big Is The Universe?

To be clear, a truly infinite universe means that anything that is not impossible (no matter how obscure) will happen, must happen and must happen, weirdly, an infinite number of times...... In continuation of my article about the solar system.

let the readers to view it at the large scale of infinity. We humans are driven by the desire for knowledge. The ability to understand the workings  and   structure of our environment helped our species reach the highly developed point in our own history where we are today.

Although humanity regularly produces new technological milestones, there are still almost countless realities that elude our knowledge almost entirely. While these mysteries of life on the one hand cause big question marks over the heads of experts. the fascination that emanates from these unsolved mysteries is equally undisputed.

This topic becomes particularly exciting whenever we turn to a field that seems to exceed our tangible horizon. In the case of the universe, research is still in its infancy despite all the rockets sent into orbit and the successful moon landing in 1969. At present, we know only a tiny part of what is currently still hidden from our eyes in the infinite vastness of space.

The question of how big the universe as a whole actually is a mystery that mankind has been dealing with for countless centuries. With today's contribution i would like to present the current state of research on this topic. I will show you the current state of astronomical knowledge of our species and will also talk about why the answer to the question of the size of the universe is so difficult to come by.

The Vastness of the Universe: let's begin our journey through the vastness of the universe what we can see of the universe. when you take a look at the sheer gigantic starry sky at night many of us realize how small we ourselves are in relation to the big picture. the thousands of twinkling stars in the firmament bear silent witness to the fact that our small home planet is only a tiny part of what is commonly known as the universe, yet even a quick glance at the canopy of the sky is enough to understand that the universe must be larger than anything we can even imagine but can we scientifically understand how big the universe is in detail this question has always been a central point in the field of Cosmological Research it is even within the realm of possibility that this question can never be answered satisfactorily. to get satisfatory answers more in detail by Using cosmological surveys to trace the evolution of the Universe and understand its accelerated expansion. ... The group at the Institute of Space Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (ICE-CSIC) and the Institut d'Estudis ... surveys like the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and the Euclid mission.

Cosmological Survey Research Group: The Group mainly focuses on studying models of dark matter and dark energy, evolution of cosmic large-scale structure (LSS), epoch of reionization (EoR) and corresponding cosmological surveys. The projects include Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), Tianlai project, Square Kilometer Array (SKA), Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), etc. They keep close collaboration with institutes and colleges in United States, South Africa and Europe. their specific researches include: theoretical and observational studies of axion, dark energy from multi-band observations, line intensity mapping for the LSS and EoR studies, cosmic infrared background, machine learning in cosmological study, CSST cosmology, etc...

Chinese Space Station Telescope: The Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), which is set to launch in 2024, will operate as a space optical observatory for Chinese scientists to carry out sky surveys, according to Xinhua.The telescope, sometimes called "Xuntian," which literally translates to "survey the heavens," will have an impressive 6.6-foot (2 meters) diameter lens, making it comparable to the Hubble Telescope Scope. However, it boasts a field of view 300 times greater than that of 31-year-old Hubble while retaining a similar resolution.

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a global big-science project to build the world's largest and most capable radio telescope. During its more than 50 year lifetime, the SKA will expand our understanding of the universe and drive technological developments worldwide. The project is in the pre-construction phase. How the SKA works? Modern radio telescopes are collections of antennae that are scattered over a large area. Using a technique called interferometry, they behave as a single dish, with a total collecting area of all the antennas combined – up to one square kilometre for the SKA. 

The aim of Cosmological Survey Research Group have been discussed above, now come to the point of big bang theory....

The Big Bang: However this does not mean of course that experts would not try to answer it anyway. We currently know that the universe as we know it today was created about 13.8 billion years ago. The process known as the Big Bang which essentially describes the formation of matter space and time from a previous singularity is therefore considered the birth of our universe in physical cosmology, the cosmic microwave background radiation plays a central role in the study of the earliest state of the universe, this is a type of radiation in the microwave range that was created in the course of the big bang and still flows through the infinite expanses of the galaxy today with the help of various measurements which examine the said radiation and put it in relation to different distances researchers succeeded in dating the approximate age of our universe at the same time this also means that we are currently able to look 13.8 billion light years into space from the earth. if one wanted to visualize this circumstance one could create a spherical drawing with the earth as the center the rest of the sphere now describes the area we can see from our blue home planet. In technical language the universe visible to us is called the event horizon. In detail the event horizon describes the spectrum of objects whose reflected light we can just about  see  from  the earth however those processes that take place behind this event horizon are currently completely invisible to our human eyes. since we do not know exactly what is actually behind the observable universe. It is all the more difficult to answer the question of the overall size of the universe.

The Expansion of the Universe: if one considers the question of how big the universe is in its entirety an essential fact cannot be ignored as experts today now know the universe is constantly expanding while at the time of the big bang an object was still about 13.8 billion light years away from the earth the distance between the celestial body in question and our home planet is now already 46 billion light years as a result of the expansion of space this circumstance also means that in the future we will be able to see objects in the firmament that are still hidden from our eyes today. At the same time due to the expansion of the universe some celestial bodies will disappear from our star charts in the future. Naturally during these observations we put our earth in the center. this is simply due to the spatial circumstances as we have no other choice than to mark our home planet as the central vantage point in our star charts but at which geographical point our blue home planet is actually located within the constantly growing universe is impossible to answer today.

The Measurement of the Universe: As I mentioned at the beginning international teams of experts regularly try to explore the entire dimensions of space despite all adversities to do this experts use a number of different methods that help researchers to explore the gigantic dimensions of the universe. key research methods include certain measurements that investigate the radiation of the early universe using these radiation movements scientists can determine different distances and try to quantify the dimensions of the universe. The oldest known light source (GN-z11 is currently the oldest and most distant known galaxy in the observable universe. GN-z11 has a spectroscopic redshift of z = 11.09, which corresponds to a proper distance of approximately 32 billion light-years (9.8 billion parsecs)
that researchers have been able to identify in this way is 92 billion light years away from earth conversely however, this does not mean that the located object is actually the outermost component of the universe. The question of whether the universe ends somewhere is actually much more difficult to answer than many of us would at first assume, basically the further away an object is from our home planet the longer it takes for the light reflected by it to reach our earth. Some Objects in the galaxy are at such a great distance from us that the light rays they emit sometimes take billions of years before we can see them from earth. According to this there are currently still countless light rays in the universe on their way to us which have been traveling through the universe for billions of years but have still not reached us (OMG). the question of the size of the universe.

The Shape of the Universeto calculate the size of an object it is essential to know the corresponding shape of the object. The actual shape of our universe is still an unresolved question within research which has not yet been satisfactorily answered. While some scientists suspect that our universe is constructed like a self-contained sphere which could be a part of a Superordinate Multiverse, other experts think that the universe is rather a flat space which is also infinite. if one follows the first thesis our universe would be a self-contained structure with an endpoint somewhere. So if our galaxy is indeed a finite construct then at least theoretically it would be possible to determine the dimensions of the universe mathematically, provided the experts had the necessary data. 

The Concept of the Multiverse: Let's define a multiverse. Think about the word "universe." When people use this term, they tend to refer to all that exists. However, if you use the term universe as "everything we can ever see," this implies there is more than one universe out there. We will be using the latter to describe our universe, with the assumption that we are part of a multiverse. Though the idea of a multiverse is very controversial, at its core, it is a relatively simple concept to wrap your head around. In short, our entire universe is only a small part of a much larger number of universes. The alternative universes are part of an unobservable area of space-time. Our universe is just one of many universes. Some have speculated that in the multiverse, each universe could have its own separate laws of physics. However, the concept of the Multiverse is not a scientific theory in and of itself. Instead, it is a theoretical consequence based on our current understanding of the laws of physics. if you have an inflationary Universe governed by quantum physics, you may well be bound to wind up with a multiverse. But the theory of a multiverse also has some big problems.

For example, it doesn't predict anything we have observed and can't explain without it, and it also doesn't predict anything definitive. You can go and look for. There are multiple explanations out there for our Multiverse but i will discuss only one beacuse it has verious dimensions.. 

The Big Bang Might be the first clue..

You are probably very familiar with the concept of the Big Bang. Astronomers know the Universe is expanding, they can measure the distance of galaxies from us, and how fast they appear to be moving away. The farther away they are, the faster they appear to recede, which General Relativity tells us means the Universe is expanding. And if the Universe is expanding, that means it was smaller and denser in the past, as well as more uniform and hotter. This leads us to the Big Bang, which has been postulated to have occurred some 13.8 billion years ago. However, what happened before the big bang? If we go back far enough in time, we find that there are things that can be observed in the Universe that the Big Bang can't explain.

So, Astronomers have come up with another theory - Cosmic Inflation. This tells us that before the Big Bang, it was filled with energy. That energy caused space to expand very rapidly. When inflation ended, the energy was converted into matter and energy, which then led to the Big Bang. In our modern conception of cosmic inflation, that period of rapid, accelerated expansion is driven by a new character to join the cosmological cast: something called the inflaton. Get it? The inflaton inflates. ... In this picture, the inflaton is a quantum field that permeates all of space and time.

The Universe is Infinite: however if our universe is infinite then the question of size is simply a point that cannot be answered by definition. No size can be assigned to infinite objects because they have no boundary points that would allow a mathematical explanation. According to some statements of NASA, the universe is a flat construct that is infinitely large. However our universe itself has a finite age and as already mentioned was created about 13.8 billion years ago, that's why it's only possible for us to investigate the time period between the big bang and today.

An unanswerable question even if international teams of experts currently do not know how big the universe really is researchers can say with certainty that the universe is an incredibly huge possibly even infinite construct which exceeds all of our horizons with its gigantic dimensions. The precise exploration of the universe is essentially a work that will involve countless generations of experts and even though we will probably never know in our lifetime how huge the universe is in detail. this circumstance will not dampen our fascination for the exciting world of foreign stars and planets. what do you think about the true size of the universe do you think that the universe is a closed entity or an infinitely large construct?...

feel free to let me know your thoughts on this topic in the comments thanks a lot and see you next time...

escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
"he tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door".

of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source).
"warmth emanated from the fireplace"

the heavens or sky. "thunder shakes the firmament".

a cloth covering suspended over a bed. b : a cover (as of cloth) fixed or carried above a person of high rank or a sacred object.

is a measurement method using the phenomenon of interference of waves (usually light, radio or sound waves). The measurements may include those of certain characteristics of the waves themselves and the materials that the waves interact with.

Relating to or occupying space."the spatial distribution of population".

go or move back or further away from a previous position. "the floodwaters had receded".

Attract the strong attention and interest of (someone).

the power to fascinate someone; the quality of being fascinating.

make slightly wet."the fine rain dampened her face".

Friday, April 16, 2021

Artificial Intelligence and its Role

Hello and Welcome , A lot of has been written about AI , what's make a difference, if i drop a piece of information into the ocean of AI Knowledge, lets start...

Artificial Intelligence (AI): is a broad branch of computer science that is focused on a machine’s capability to produce rational behavior from external inputs. The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence. AI manifests itself in everyday life via virtual assistants, search prediction technology, and even ride-hailing services. 

History of Artificial IntelligenceThe history of A.I began in antiquity, with myths, stories and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence or consciousness by master craftsmen. The field of AI research was founded during a summer conference at Dartmouth College in the mid-1950s, where John McCarthy, computer and cognitive scientist, coined the term “Artificial Intelligence.”, He created the computer programming language LISP in 1958. LISP was initially used primarily by the AI community owing to its great flexibility due to its expressive power.  Though its use declined in the 1990s, in the 21st century there was renewed interest in LISP, especially in the open-source community. 

*(The first patent for the invention of the telephone happened in 1876 and AI was introduced at a much later stage.)

John McCarthy: was an American Mathematician and Computer Scientist who was a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence (AI); his main research in the field involved the formalization of common-sense knowledge. Born: September 4, 1927, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Died: October 24, 2011, Stanford, California, United States. 

McCarthy received (1951) a doctorate in mathematics from Princeton University, where he briefly taught.  McCarthy also was involved with developing Elephant 2000, a programming language with semantic features based on speech acts. Though its name suggested that it might be implemented in the year 2000, McCarthy revised the deployment date twice—to 2005 and then to 2015. He also developed ideas about the processing characteristics of trees (as used in computing), as distinct from nets. McCarthy’s numerous honours include the A.M. Turing Award (1971), the Kyoto Prize (1988), the National Medal of Science (1990), and the Benjamin Franklin Medal (2003).

Artificial Intelligenceand its Role:  There are so many amazing ways artificial intelligence and machine learning are used behind the scenes to impact our everyday lives. In this article, I’ll show you examples how artificial intelligence is used in day-to-day activities such as: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, in business , in Education, in Autonomous Vehicles, Cyborg Technology etc etc...let's discuss fewer of these amazing interfaces.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Companies are applying machine learning to make better and faster diagnoses than humans. One of the best-known technologies is IBM’s Watson. It understands natural language and can respond to questions asked of it. The system mines patient data and other available data sources to form a hypothesis, which it then presents with a confidence scoring schema. AI is a study realized to emulate human intelligence into computer technology that could assist both, the doctor and the patients in the following ways: 

By providing a laboratory for the examination, representation and cataloguing medical information By devising novel tool to support decision making and research By integrating activities in medical, software and cognitive sciences By offering a content rich discipline for the future scientific medical communities.

IBM’s Watson SuperComputer: (It helps clients facilitate medical research, clinical research, and healthcare solutions, through the use of artificial intelligence, data, analytics, cloud computing, and other advanced information technology, Watson is an IBM supercomputer that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated analytical software for optimal performance as a "Question Answering" machine. The supercomputer is named for IBM's founder, Thomas J. Watson)

A.I in Fitness: AI-powered applications can tailor individual fitness plans according to your current fitness level, eating habits, goals, data obtained from wearable devices, and a lot more. In addition, these applications possess the ability to check your workout form and correct you, just like a trainer would do. AI is making use of sports data to create readable information on different sports events. For instance, software like Wordsmith is capable of processing sporting events to provide summaries of the major events of the day. ... AI in Match Predictions — Machine Learning can be used to predict the result of matches.

AI in BusinessRobotic process automation is being applied to highly repetitive tasks normally performed by humans. Machine learning algorithms are being integrated into analytics and CRM (Customer relationship management) platforms to uncover information on how to better serve customers. Chatbots have already been incorporated into websites and e companies to provide immediate service to customers. Automation of job positions has also become a talking point among academics and IT consultancies.

AI in Education: Smart Content. Another way AI changes the education industry is by adding new methods for students to achieve success. It automates grading, giving educators more time. It can also assess students and adapt to their needs, helping them work at their own pace. A.I can help break down silos between schools and between traditional grade levels. An educator spends a tremendous amount of time grading homework and tests. AI can step in and make quick work out of these tasks while at the same time offering recommendations for how to close the gaps in learning.

AI in Autonomous VehiclesJust like humans, self-driving cars need to have sensors to understand the world around them and a brain to collect, processes and choose specific actions based on information gathered. Autonomous vehicles are with advanced tool to gather information, including long range radar, cameras, and LIDAR. Each of the technologies are used in different capacities and each collects different information. This information is useless, unless it is processed and some form of information is taken based on the gathered information. This is where artificial intelligence comes into play and can be compared to human brain. AI has several applications for these vehicles and among them the more immediate ones are as follows: 

Directing the car to gas station or recharge station when it is running low on fuel. Adjust the trips directions based on known traffic conditions to find the quickest route. Incorporate speech recognition for advanced communication with passengers. Natural language interfaces and virtual assistance technologies.

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics will allow us to address the challenges in taking care of an aging population and allow much longer independence. It will drastically reduce, may be even bring down traffic accidents and deaths, as well as enable disaster response for dangerous situations for example the nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Power Plant

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The event was caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. It was the most severe nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

AI in Cyborg Technology: One of the main limitations of being human is simply our own bodies and brains. Researcher Shimon Whiteson thinks that in the future, we will be able to augment ourselves with computers and enhance many of our own natural abilities. Though many of these possible cyborg enhancements would be added for convenience, others may  serve a more practical purpose. Yoky Matsuka of Nest believes that AI will become useful for people with amputated limbs, as the brain will be able to communicate with a robotic limb to give the patient more control. This kind of cyborg technology would significantly reduce the limitations that amputees deal with daily.

Dr Shimon Whiteson: Associate Professor of Computer Science; Fellow of St Catherine's College, Professor Whiteson's research focuses on artificial intelligence. His goal is to design, analyse, and evaluate the algorithms that enable computational systems to acquire and execute intelligent behaviour. He is particularly interested in machine learning, with which computers can learn from experience, and decision-theoretic planning, with which they can reason about their goals and deduce behavioural strategies that maximise their utility. In addition to theoretical work on these topics, he has in recent years also focused on applying them to practical problems in robotics and Search Engine Optimisation. He is an adviser to industry and government agencies on matters related to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence assists in every area of our lives, whether we’re trying to read our emails, get driving directions, get music or movie recommendations. I’ll show you examples how artificial intelligence is used in day-to-day activities such as: Social media, Digital Assistants, Self-Driving And Parking Vehicles, Email communications, Web searching, Stores and services, Offline experiences.

In the future, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence could play an even more fundamental role in content creation and also in the software fields. Open source information and artificial intelligence collection will provide opportunities for global technological parity and the technology of artificial can become the future in all the domains of health, environment, public safety and security.

Artificial Intelligence Holds in Our Daily lives....... 

We all might be aware of the present situation, and what value does AI holds in our lives. AI collects and organizes large amounts of information to make insights and guesses that are beyond the human capabilities of manual processing. Amazing! Isn’t it?. With its increasing organizational efficiencies, the likelihood of a mistake and detected irregular patterns is reduced. So, if we talk about spam or fraud, or the warning it provides to business in real-time about suspicious activity, a lot has been safeguarded already.  Cost reduction has helped the business to increase their share of profits. For example – “training” the machines to handle customer support calls and replacing many jobs in that way.


AI is making lots of progress in the scientific sector. Artificial Intelligence can handle large quantities of data and processes it quicker than human minds. This makes it perfect for research where the sources contain high data volumes. AI is already making breakthroughs in this field.

show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts or appearance; demonstrate

Ride-hailing services
A ridesharing company (also known as a transportation network company, ride-hailing service, app-taxi or e-taxi) is a company that, via websites and mobile apps, matches passengers with drivers of vehicles for hire that, unlike taxicabs, cannot legally be hailed from the street.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Will Green Hydrogen Power The Future?

Hydrogen is a clean-burning molecule, meaning that it can help to decarbonize a range of sectors that have proved hard to clean up in the past. But today, most hydrogen is produced from CO2-emitting fossil fuels. Hydrogen produced from renewable electricity, known as Green Hydrogen, could be the solution to cutting our carbon footprint. But first, it must overcome a number of challenges.

today my article is about  "Will Green Hydrogen Power The Future?", Lets start ..

Humanity is facing an uphill battle when it comes to preserving our planet. in order to avert some of the worst effects of climate change experts say that we need to stop global temperatures from rising 1.5 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels, to do this global carbon emissions need to drop to zero by 2050. it will take a variety of solutions to achieve this goal but one tool that's gaining traction is green hydrogen. 

Green Hydrogen is hydrogen that's been produced exclusively from renewable power. The advantage of green hydrogen is that it's a clean burning molecule meaning that it can help us to decarbonize a range of sectors that have proved hard to clean up in the past this includes the chemical, iron and steel industries as well as transportation especially long haul. Hydrogen can also be used to heat our homes and store renewable electricity that would otherwise be wasted. if we are serious about decarbonization, if we are serious about going into a world which have zero carbon emission, there is no choice but using hydrogen renewable energy can get you so far actually up to 50% to 60% reduction in total emission in the world, because there are a lot of other industries and downstream products which are still emitting but have nothing to do with renewable energy and hygiene could be the solution, the catch because hydrogen is very reactive it's not found freely in nature. It only exists combined with other elements for example water is a combination of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So to get hydrogen you must produce it by extracting it from naturally occurring compounds like water.

It's an energy-intensive process and although hydrogen itself is a clean molecule most of the hydrogen produced in the U.S today, H2 is extracted from fossil fuels in a pollution-heavy process .Globally hydrogen production is responsible for around 843 metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. that's equivalent to the yearly co2 emissions of Indonesia and the United kingdom combined. that's why green hydrogen is so appealing but producing it is still very expensive and although costs are coming down. A number of other challenges remain including the lack of infrastructure to transport and store it and the fact that fuel cells which convert hydrogen to usable energy for cars are still very expensive, still solutions are coming and overcoming some of these challenges could propel the hydrogen market to 2.5 trillion in direct revenues by 2050. hydrogen can be produced in a number of different ways experts categorize the sources and processes by which hydrogen is derived using colors the overwhelming majority of hydrogen today is produced from fossil fuels.

Brown Hydrogen: is created through coal gasification.The process for producing grey hydrogen from natural gas throws off carbon waste. Blue hydrogen uses carbon capture and storage for the greenhouse gases produced in the creation of Grey hydrogen.

Gray Hydrogen: accounts for three quarters of all hydrogen production in the world and is extracted from natural Gas via a method known as steam methane. Reforming a downside to both these processes is that they emit large amounts of co2.

Blue Hydrogen: Blue Hydrogen refers to hydrogen produced using natural gas, with the CO2 emissions generated during the process captured and stored. The proposed development, described by BP as the United Kingdom's “largest hydrogen project,” would be based in Teesside, North-East England.

Green Hydrogen: Another way to produce hydrogen is through a method known as electrolysis, here a device known as an electrolyzer splits a compound into its constituent elements using an electric current in this case the compound is fresh water which is split into hydrogen and oxygen if the electricity comes from renewable sources like wind and solar the subsequent hydrogen is known as Green.

Hydrogen Use Of Today:

Around the world the majority of hydrogen today is used in industry including Oil refining  Ammonia Production, Methanol Production, and Steel Production, but recent advancements in Green hydrogen production and storage combined with a global push towards sustainability means that green hydrogen is becoming much more appealing for a number of different industries and nations are seeing the potential.

Europe is the leader part of the green deal which is up to one trillion euros of incentives of green initiatives in the next 10 years give or take half of it is actually being directed to hydrogen so close to a half a trillion of euros in the next 10 years 2050 said by," Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said in a statement issued Tuesday.15-Jan-2020

China actually have strong targets to increase quite dramatically their production of energy plus to move their car fleets from a combustion engine to hydrogen. China's parliament will send inspection teams throughout the country to ensure regions are prioritizing renewable energy resources, the official Xinhua news agency reported, in a bid to cut waste and boost the sector's profitability.

South Korea is very focused about fuel cells and about the automotive market moving to hydrogen. South Korean officials are looking for new technologies to replace existing power generation, and the country has become a world leader in the deployment of fuel cells for utility-scale power generation.

Japan How Toyota is helping Japan with its multibillion-dollar push to create a Toyota's Mirai is a hydrogen cell fuel based vehicle along with 160 fueling stations and 1.4 million residential fuel cells, known as Ene-Farms. ... tag of some $60,000 before incentives, one of several factors that have limited sales.

In the U.S President-elect Joe Biden has also made a big pledge to fight climate change we're going to invest 1.7 trillion dollars in securing our future so that by 2050 the United States will be 100 clean energy economy back in october, the u.s department of energy also announced that it would invest up to 100 million dollars to advance hydrogen production and fuel cell technologies research and development.

A Fuel Cell Stack 

The first industry hydrogen has the potential of transforming is transportation where hydrogen can act as a direct replacement of gas and diesel and holds some advantages over electric vehicles because hydrogen is an energy carrier and not an energy source itself. Hydrogen fuel must be transformed into electricity by a device called a fuel cell stack, before it can be used to power a car inside each individual fuel cell, the process looks something like this hydrogen drawn from an onboard pressurized tank reacts with a catalyst most often this catalyst is made from expensive platinum as the hydrogen passes through the catalyst it's stripped of its electrons which are forced to move along an external circuit and consequently produce an electrical current, this electrical current is then used by the electric motor to power the car the only byproduct is water vapor.

H2 Fuel Cell Cars Advantage

Of course the advantage of hydrogen fuel cell cars over conventional cars, is the possibility of having a zero carbon footprint, but if you have to go through the trouble of converting hydrogen to electricity to use it in cars why not just use battery powered cars, the difference between a battery electric vehicle and a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, is that you essentially get a much faster refueling times five minutes for the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle compared to 45 minutes for the battery vehicle, you also with a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle get about five times better energy storage per unit volume and weight. So that frees up more room in the automobile for other things passenger space, storage space and also allows you to go further. So you're going to get along the ranges with a fuel cell vehicle experts believe that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can be especially effective when it comes to long-haul trucking and other hard to electrify sectors such as freight shipping and long-haul Air travel, All applications where using heavy batteries would be inefficient. The larger the vehicle or the device that you're talking about the bigger, The advantage to hydrogen it gets to the point with a truck an 18-wheel truck that using a lithium battery would be almost ridiculous your entire truck would have to be a lithium battery to make it practical or else the truck driver would have to be charging up the truck all the time instead of driving it, but adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has been slow globally there were more than 18000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on the road at the end of 2019. by comparison, there were 7.2 million Electric Cars on the road. Today only three car companies offer hydrogen fuel cell passenger vehicles Honda Hyundai and Toyota and they all cost around 60 thousand dollars, that's twice the cost of some entry-level evs hyundai along with toyota and its truck subsidiary Hino are also working on hydrogen fuel cell trucks.

Total Oil and Gas

France's Oil and Gas giant Total recently invested in hydrogen fuel cell Truck and Bus startup Hyzen Motors and Nikola motors has said that it will begin consumer production of its hydrogen fuel cell truck in 2023.

Hyzon Motors, based in Rochester, New York, is focused on medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (buses and trucks) fueled by hydrogen fuel cells. A spinoff of Singapore-based Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies, Hyzon expects to be able to deliver about 5,000 of its trucks and buses by the end of 2023. The transaction with Decarbonization Plus values Hyzon at $2.1 billion, and the combined company (which will retain the Hyzon name) will have about $576 million in cash, which it said is sufficient to fund its near-term business plan. 

A fuel cell truck startup, has agreed to go public via a merger with Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corp., according to people with knowledge of the matter. Hyzon says it already has more than 400 commercial vehicles on the road using its fuel cell technology. It expects to deliver about 5,000 fuel cell-powered trucks and buses by 2023 and is targeting annual capacity of around 40,000 fuel cell-electric vehicles by 2025.

But one company not convinced of the advantages of the fuel cell truck is tesla. Tesla is instead working on an electric semi truck which it hopes to start delivering in 2021, Ceo Elon Musk
has even gone as far as calling fuel cell technology mind-bogglingly stupid a big barrier to the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has been a lack of fueling station infrastructure because even though fuel cell cars refuel in a similar way to conventional cars they can't use the same stations worldwide.

(Hydrogen is basically a “big pain in the arse”, and is a crazy alternative to battery electric vehicles, says Tesla’s CEO and co-founder Elon Musk.Hydrogen is touted as a solution to long-range transport needs such as trucks and shipping, and there are a number of developers of hydrogen transport options both overseas and in Australia, such as legacy automakers Toyota and Hyundai and start-ups like Hyzon Motors.But Musk says it makes way more sense to use batteries).

there are only 407 operational hydrogen stations today the majority are located in Europe followed by Asia and finally North America. In the U.S there are just over 40 public hydrogen fuel stations with all but one in california. You have to build the stations you have to build the refining capability. you have to have the trucks that can move hydrogen to the stations or the pipes under the ground to move them to the stations. Aside from the infrastructure one point, that is frequently brought up as a problem with hydrogen fuel is its inefficiency. that's because by the time that hydrogen fuel is manufactured transported and distributed and transformed to electricity in the fuel cell seventy percent of its efficiency is lost. This challenge is mitigated somewhat by the fact that hydrogen is very energy dense.

Hydrogen Fuel Efficiency Comparison with Other Fuels

Meaning that it can hold a lot of energy in a small volume, when you buy a kilogram of hydrogen, you're buying the same amount of energy as buying a gallon of gasoline. The difference is when you go to then convert that hydrogen into useful propulsion of your car it's about two to three times as efficient as burning gasoline, because it's an electrochemical reaction it's not combustion. So it's much more efficient so you can immediately divide today's cost of hydrogen by about two or maybe two and a half times so the goal is to get hydrogen for vehicles to be down around the cost of today's liquid fuels gasoline and diesel along with the cost of hydrogen. 

The cost of fuel cell car components and storage also needs to come down it is still it's very expensive today to produce a fuel cell without subsidies government intervention or anything. The cap can get as high as 50,000 per unit hydrogen has to be kept under a huge amount of pressure so you do have to have very expensive extremely high pressure tanks. New developments are starting to make fuel cell technology and hydrogen storage a bit more affordable but scaling it will take time. 

The Company Kubogen has been working on a new hydrogen storage material. so you get basically four to five times more hydrogen in the same space, so your tank can be smaller or you can get longer range or any combination of the two and the cost is actually projected to be four to five times cheaper for the entire system than a current 700 bar system and it gets to the point with our material that the only cost factor when comparing a battery vehicle to a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is the cost of the fuel cell and not the cost of the storage system.

Storing Renewable Energy

Another application for hydrogen that has experts excited is the ability to use it for storing renewable energy, that would otherwise be wasted what's really made hydrogen come on the scene now is the simple fact that we have so much renewable power on the electric grid in places like california and texas which we didn't have 15 years ago but with all this renewable power on the grid we are now getting substantial curtailments of electricity which is a  market signal that we need storage and so the reason hydrogen's really caught on right now is people are realizing it's really sort of an ideal way to store renewable power for long periods of time.

Mitsubishi, Magnum team up on 1,000 MW Clean Energy Storage Project

Mitsubishi Power along with fuel storage company Magnum Development are working on a project in utah which promises to build a storage facility for 1,000 megawatts of clean power partly by keeping hydrogen and salt caverns scheduled to be operational by 2025. The advanced clean energy storage project would be the largest clean energy storage system in the world so we're going to build a very large electrolysis system that will be able to convert renewable power into hydrogen and then we're going to store that hydrogen in that salt dome for long periods of time so that it can be used when the grid needs the electricity instead of when it's produced. 

(Researchers in Germany have identified salt caverns as a feasible and flexible solution for hydrogen storage. They also revealed that Europe has the potential to inject hydrogen in bedded salt deposits and salt domes, with a total storage capacity of 84.8 PWh.16-Jun-2020).

Intermountain Power Project

The hydrogen stored in the salt mines will be used by a power plant next door the Intermountain Power Project, which is in delta utah is the last coal-fired power plant that's providing power to the state of california and it's scheduled to be retired in 2025. intermountain power has elected our equipment to repower that power plant with gas turbines. but they've asked us to make these the first heavy duty gas turbines ever that can provide this power with a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen.

Paul Browning (President & CEO of Mitsubishi Powers Americasays that initially the gas turbines will use 30% hydrogen and 70% natural gas but the goal is to use 100% green hydrogen by 2045. Phase one of our ACES (Advance Cleaning Energy Storage) project is going to be capable of 150 000 megawatt hours of energy storage and 150,000 megawatt hours is enough to fuel 30% of an 840 megawatt power plant and 840 megawatts is enough power to supply one-seventh of the peak needs of the city of Los Angeles. 

Today companies like Nextera Energy, Eos Energy, and even Tesla store  excess renewable energy and batteries but there's a big drawback, if you're only storing electricity for a short period of time it's much better to store it in a battery, you can do that at a lower cost so there's a better efficiency to that storage process, but if you want to store electricity for a long period of time, battery storage gets more and more expensive you have to build more and more batteries.

To be at hygienic Scale

Whereas with hydrogen, we can store it underground in large salt domes for long periods of time at very low cost. Hydrogen's versatility means it has the potential to disrupt many avenues of our economy from energy production and storage to transportation in industrials. In fact, analysts think that by 2050 . Clean hydrogen could account for an estimated 22 percent of our energy needs up from just four percent of the energy that hydrogen supplies today, but this would require massive amounts of additional renewable electricity generation. One study estimates that generating enough green hydrogen to meet a quarter of our energy needs would take more electricity than the world generates today, from all sources combined and an investment of 11 trillion dollars in production storage and transportation infrastructure. Still analysts say we're moving in the right direction, we actually see a complete dive down of hydrogen production cost which has been dropped from two sources electrolyzer prices are down 50% in five years and the second element which is renewable energy costs which are also down between 50 to 60 percent already and we believe both of them will go down another 60 to 70 percent. Before the end of the decade as you get that scale of fuel cells in trucks and other applications going up costs, will come down. You'll start to see other applications emerging it, all comes down to economics so that's really what the goal is get that cost of the green hydrogen down, where it starts to displace some of these fossil fuels. Many experts believe that these advancements can't come without government policy and investment. To some degree governments are already stepping in 50 years, i believe that hydrogen is going to be a very integral part of our life if we are serious about decarbonization, we just have no choice but to have hygiene in scale....

this is the end till now , as per given information in the article we should appreciate those people who made the pledges about saving the planet.

i hope you will enjoy reading this article ,need your comments.
