Showing posts with label Into the Eyes of Sun (A Courageous Attempt). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Into the Eyes of Sun (A Courageous Attempt). Show all posts

Monday, March 22, 2021

Into the Eyes of Sun (A Courageous Attempt)

Lets start with a high ambition where hungers are still unsatisfied and one's eyes on the horizon but the prestige is often grounded under the feet of the pride and gives a big jerk of worthless behaviours and feelings to an innocent soul , if the one desire to share the experience with some folks,they use to play with pride's purge in disrespectful and in mocking manners as they are hunted in false sense of prestige. 

The demoralising and mocking attitudes of over excited people to the one who is literally impacted badly as a soul 's burn , surrounds him with a fence of cowardice, Impacting him with so much to blast against oneself with an anger management, the attitude like this, with the oneself is a start, gathering to face with braveness and breaking the fence of meekness.

An attitude of hate or to ignore , disrespect full behaviours, helping to burn one 's soul are put all together to initiate the steps towards the rising of soul, there is no musical involved and not an art as well , but a strong commitment to the oneself is essentially needed to grasps the opportunity at the right time to peep into heart, to agree with an inner wills, to comply the instructions by soul which dominates the heart's fear and its wait to act because of indecision, or disinclination.

The heart is a strongest and a weakest organism of the body in reaction against the circumstances. Just forget about the weakest role of it where the one knows his death time in front of the enemy, trembles and shakes to knees ,on the other hand if the one complies with the mind or feels dominating to minus the guilt of losing something and predominating the heart through the mind adhered to the soul with a positive or an enthusiastic approach of dominating the way where the hurdle is grounded itself to wipe against any ambition in the course of life. 

The soul has a main role to evolve within itself to train and engrave its body, heart and mind with sets of ambitions as a jeweller engraves a name on a Gold, to show oneself's identity.

Souls are gifted by God, build a strong connection with Him in order to evolve within its body according to its environs and have the abilities to examine all virtue , the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, So impelling one toward right action, complying by the rules of right ,from evolution to revolution, the soul to its body as something is engraved on a steel , will have the Attributes to be appeared oneself a Courageous One in the World of those who never afraid to take any action to attain the impossible and always have an ambition with a set pattern of gaols to achieve and to guide as the Sun achieves the obedience from its planets and enlighten them as well.

So the spirit is enlightened by God to spread the guidance and to lead one's self to take A Courageous Attempt, to see into the eyes of Sun , means the one plays as the sun plays its role. 

From the Book"Enjoy the Run if you are in my blood"

by Tahir Ahmad Dawood