When I run into people on yachts or meet with people at expensive sparse there are generally three ways people get their money, Tthey either work in finance their parents are filthy rich or they're doctors sometimes. The doctors are the richest of them all. There are hundreds of specialty doctors out there who are millionaires partially because there are so few experts in their particular field today we're going to take a look at the ten highest paid specialists and see exactly how much they make number..

(10) Oncology... being a doctor is an emotional gig you're often seeing patients at their most vulnerable in giving them information that is heartbreaking scary and downright confusing when you're an oncologist that's almost every single appointment you have oncologists are doctors, who specialize in treating cancer though the job is tough and the hours are long according to merit Hawkins their average salary is 393 thousand dollars per year, there are three main types of oncologists a medical oncologist who uses chemotherapy targeted medications or immunotherapy, a radiation oncologist who uses radiation and a surgical oncologist, who performs biopsies and surgery to be an oncologist and make that amazing salary. it's not an easy road and you're gonna be using that salary to pay off a lot of student loan debt oncologists need a four year bachelor's degree and a four year medical school degree and two to four years of working in a residency or fellowship program. Number..

(9) Pulmonology breathing is pretty important and because of that pulmonologists, are two pulmonologists are specialists who focus on diseases that affect the respiratory tract like say I don't know some disease that causes fever a dry cough and pneumonia and they earn quite a good amount of money doing it on average pulmonologists earn about three hundred and ninety nine thousand dollars per year you could say they can breathe easy with that kind of money in their bank account I'm sure but it's not all smooth sailing and easy breathing to become a poem you must earn a four-year bachelor's degree complete a four-year medical program a three-year specialist training program and then a two to three year fellowship which adds up to about 12 years total when they've completed schooling and are working their way up to that large salary pulmonologists often work in intensive care and treat complex diseases of the lungs and chest. Number..

(8) Oh tolerant Geologists have you ever heard of an otolaryngologist me neither but I can almost guarantee you've heard of an ENT and they're the exact same thing that's right ear nose and throat, doctors make the big bucks about four hundred and two thousand dollars per year and they probably should make that money ents have to go to a whopping 15 years of schooling and they're specialists that must always be trained in surgery as well after their bachelor's medical school and five years of specialty training ents must pass the American Board of Otolaryngology exam and then do another two years of training I ever feeling that most ents didn't have a lot of time to party in college ents don't only deal with the ear nose and throat they also have to deal with the head and neck and be trained to do surgery on all of the above in other words they're busy doctors Number
(7) Anesthesiologist one of the greatest things about modern medicine is that we don't have to feel pain during procedures there's no more downing a bottle of whiskey on the battlefield while Hank from down the street takes us all to you we've got a lot more safety and comfort at our disposal now one of the big reasons for that is because anesthesiologists exist and they make an average of four hundred and four thousand dollars per year anesthesiologists are in charge of making sure patients don't feel pain before tearing and after surgery slapping a mask on someone's face in counting to ten may seem pretty simple but in reality an anesthesiologist is in charge of much more than that before surgery they termine the correct mix of medication to use to treat pain in the days or hours of waiting and the correct mix for the surgery itself during the surgery aesthesiologists stand by ensuring that the patient is unconscious and feeling no excruciating pain while they're being worked on their sweat right needless to say the job is a high stress position but before anesthesiologists can even land the high stress job they've got to go through some intense schooling a four years bachelor's degree four years of medical school and then four years of working in an anesthesia residency program means they spend a total of at least 12 years hitting the books Number..
(6) Dermatologists in 2019 one point to two million Americans spent more than five hundred dollars on skin care over the course of the year people care a lot about having clear skin and that's a part of the reason that dermatologists make four hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year dermatologists are doctors that focus on diseases and the care of skin hair and nails and mucous membranes they can treat over 3,000 different conditions and though many people go to them for acne they also are the primary doctor to help treat and diagnose things like skin cancer they're also the doctors that you see all over the internet popping pimples on Instagram to be a dermatologist you'll have to complete at least 12 years of schooling Number...
(5) Non-invasive cardiologists non-invasive cardiologists come in at number five on my list with an average salary of four hundred and forty-one thousand dollars per year not too bad for not even having to pick up a scalpel huh as the name implies non-invasive cardiologists are doctors who treat diagnose and prevent diseases of the heart using non-invasive methods they can provide outpatient services and inpatient services depending on the severity of the patient's condition they do this by running stress tests echocardiograms and CTAs but it isn't easy schooling just because a little less blood is involved non-invasive cardiologists must attend around 14 years of school with ountless tests to get their certification. Number...
(4) Urologist when you hear urologists chances are one thing comes to mind and it might be hard to imagine that they're making a whopping four hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars per year on average for analyzing pee in cup however urologists have a much bigger job description than many people realize yes urologists do deal with the urinary tract but there are also experts in your kidneys bladders and if you've got it the male reproductive system to do this they've gotta get a four years bachelor's degree attend four years of medical school and then to another five years of specialty training once. Urologists have owned all their certifications they can choose a specialty area that they'd like to focus on, Number...
(3) Gastroenterologist if you've got tummy troubles a bad liver or even problems with your tongue you're going to the same doctor a gastroenterologist they have a lot of body parts and systems they needed to be educated on which is part of the reason why they earned four hundred and ninety five thousand dollars per year gastroenterologist deal with the diseases that can be found within the GI tract and since that system is so complex they're required to be experts on several different organs gastroenterologist perform in DOS coffees and colonoscopies but they don't perform any invasive surgeries they must attend 14 years of schooling before they can take their specialty certification exam and start practicing.
(2) Orthopedic surgeons orthopedic surgeons have become one of the highest-paid doctors in the world and it's partially because every team in the NBA and NFL has their own on standby on average orthopedic surgeons make five hundred and thirty six thousand dollars per year in general. they are doctors who specialize in bones muscles ligaments tendons and joints so I'm sure you can imagine why there's sitting courtside at the games, many orthopedic surgeons choose one area they'd like to specialize in such as the hip knee feet or hands they perform orthopedic surgeries such as knee replacements soft tissue repair joint surgery and bone. fragment repair the majority of surgeries they perform now are outpatient surgeries unfortunately for orthopedic surgeons they certainly can't afford to be lazy bones in college. Fifteen years of schooling is required and they have to pass a rigorous testing system to even begin their residency. Number...
(1) Invasive Cardiologists , the highest-paid doctors in the United States on average our invasive cardiologists, who make us startling six hundred and forty eight thousand dollars per year for perspective that's more than 1.5 times what the President of the United States makes in office that being said the president is in performing life or death surgeries like invasive cardiologists, do their main role is treating heart conditions that are caused by structural or electrical issues within the heart they can insert stents perform angioplasty and insert catheters naturally dealing with the heart requires lengthy schooling just like every other job on my list they must attend at least 14 years of higher education to receive their certification even after that it is in smooth sailing due to the nature of the job 60% of invasive cardiologists will be named in a malpractice lawsuit in their lives and that comes with a lot of stress, so there you have it the 10 the highest-paid specialties in the medical world are you an aspiring doctor and do you think all these jobs are worth the stress let me know in the comment section down.